- Reels
- Astronomy
- Clouds
- Dance
- Fire
- Flowers
- Frost
- Other
- Sport
- Sun
- Traffic
- Water

This is my time-lapse showcase. This page contains a collection of my time-lapse movies. Most movies were created with my Nikon DSLRs and some with my Canon Powershot. The Nikon D80 and D90 required an external intervalometer or a computer to control the camera, the Canon S60, Nikon D300, D500, and D700 have built-in intervalometers. The movies are ordered by shooting date, the newest are at the top of the categories. Most movies are made in the Netherlands, with others shot in Argentina, Portugal, Chile, Iceland, Finland, Japan, and China. The categories include movies about archery shooting, balfolk dancing, blooming flowers, traffic, fireshows, clouds, sunset, sunrise, night skies, stars, waterfalls, ice cubes melting, and some other miscellaneous subjects.